< Study in Germany guide

Avoid these mistakes while writing your SOP for Masters in Germany

Red flags in an SOP that leads to rejection of strong applicants according to members of Graduate Admissions Committees.

January 4, 2024

Are you a student looking to study in Germany? Look no further! CareerSky has all the information you need to begin your journey.

How do top universities select outstanding candidates from thousands of applications with good grades and high exam scores? You guessed it right, the Statement of Purpose (SOP) / Letter of Motivation.

The SOP is the bedrock of your Masters application. We ask our experts at CareerSky who served on Graduate Admission Committees at top universities like UC San Diego: "What are the dangerous mistakes in SOP that lead to rejection of strong applicants?"

Avoid stating that you and the program are a perfect fit without specific evidence to support your assertion, as this may make the graduate faculty question your fit for the program.

"I am excited to apply to the Technical University of Munich's Computer Science program because I believe that it is the perfect fit for me. My research interests align perfectly with those of the program's faculty, and I am confident that this program will provide me with the skills and knowledge I need to succeed in my career. I am excited about the opportunity to work with professors who specialize in machine learning and artificial intelligence, and I am eager to contribute to the research being done at the Technical University of Munich. I believe that my passion for technology and my determination to succeed make me a valuable addition to the Technical University of Munich community, and I am confident that I will thrive in this program."

In this example, the candidate asserts that they are a perfect fit for the program without providing specific evidence to support their assertion, which may not be convincing to the reader.

Mentioning your mental health in your application could give the impression that you may not be able to function successfully as a graduate student, so it is best to avoid it.

"I am applying to the University of Berlin's Biomedical Engineering program because I am passionate about using technology to improve healthcare. I am particularly interested in medical device design, and I am excited about the opportunity to work with professors who specialize in this area. In my free time, I enjoy volunteering at local hospitals and participating in hackathons focused on healthcare innovation.

I have faced challenges in my personal life, but I have learned the importance of taking care of myself and seeking support when needed. I am determined to succeed and make a positive impact in the medical field. I am confident that my passion and dedication, along with my commitment to self-care, will make me a valuable addition to the University of Berlin community."

Showing evidence of emotional instability decreases your chances of admission. Graduate school is an academic/career path, not a personal treatment.

It is not appropriate to include excessively self-revealing information, such as personal financial or relationship details

"I am writing to apply for the mechanical engineering program at TU Dresden. My parents are getting divorced and I am having a hard time paying for college. I am really struggling financially and I need to find a way to pay for my education. I know that the mechanical engineering program at TU Dresden is one of the best in the country, and I am hoping that if I get accepted, I will be able to get some financial aid to help me pay for my tuition. I don't have much experience in the field, but I am a fast learner and I am determined to succeed. I hope that you will consider my application and help me to achieve my dream of becoming a mechanical engineer."

In this paragraph, the student is sharing personal financial information and family dynamics that are not relevant to their academic and professional goals. This information is excessively self-revealing and could be perceived as a sign that the student is unaware of the value of interpersonal boundaries in a professional setting. It is better to focus on the student's qualifications, goals, and motivation for pursuing a degree in mechanical engineering at TU Dresden, rather than personal financial or relationship issues.

Avoid inappropriate humor

"I am submitting an application to study for the electronics program at Heidelberg University. I know I might not have the strongest academic background, but I am a hard worker and I am determined to succeed. I hope that you will consider my application and give me a chance to prove myself. I am confident that with your guidance and support, I can excel in this program and achieve my goals. Oh, and by the way, I was voted "most likely to succeed" in high school. Just thought you might want to know that. Thanks for considering my application!"

In this paragraph, the student is trying to appear cute or clever by mentioning their high school accolade, which may be perceived as a lack of awareness of the formal nature of the application process. It is important to focus on the student's qualifications and motivation for pursuing a degree in electronics at Heidelberg University, rather than trying to appear cute or clever.

Excessive Altruism

"I seek admission in the environmental science program at University of Koblenz and Landau because I want to save the world from climate change. The world is dying at a rapid pace and most people are turning a blind eye towards it. I realised that anything I do in my career will not matter if there's no future for this world. All I care about is fighting climate change and making a positive impact on the world. I know that by earning a degree in environmental science, I will be able to do just that. I am willing to dedicate my life to this cause and I hope that you will consider my application and give me the opportunity to make a difference through my studies. Thank you for considering my application."

In this statement, the student is expressing an excessively altruistic desire to "save the world" and is not focusing on their own academic or professional goals. This type of statements do not impress the graduate faculty. Everyone applying to Environmental Science wants to do good for the planet, that is assumed. Talk about your pursuits, research interests and academic strengths.

Connecting to childhood

"I am expressing my interest in pursuing a degree for the software engineering program at the University of Passau. Ever since I got my first Lego set at 4, I knew that I was destined to become a software engineer. As I played with those little blocks, I became fascinated by the endless possibilities of design and creation. I would spend hours building and rebuilding, always trying to find the most efficient and effective way to solve the problem at hand. Little did I know, I was actually learning about design patterns and software architecture without even realizing it.

Now, as I stand on the cusp of my professional career, I am ready to take my childhood passions and turn them into a reality. I know that by earning a degree in software engineering at the University of Passau, I will be able to turn my dreams into a reality and make a difference in the world through my work. Thank you for considering my application."

In this statement, the student is connecting their childhood interests to their academic area of interest in a way that could be perceived as inappropriate or overly sentimental. While it is fine to mention relevant childhood experiences that have influenced your interests and goals, it is important to maintain a professional and academic focus in a statement of purpose.

Expressing general interest without a specific research question or problem

"I am requesting consideration for admission in the Automobile Engineering Program at RWTH Aachen. I have always been interested in cars and I am excited to continue my studies in this field. I am especially interested in designing and building new and innovative vehicles, and I want to use my education to make a difference in the automotive industry and to help address some of the most pressing problems facing the industry today. I hope that you will consider my application and give me the opportunity to be a part of your program. Thank you for considering my application."

In this statement, the student expresses an interest in automobile engineering and in designing and building new and innovative vehicles, but they do not pose a clear research question or problem. It is important to demonstrate that you have a specific topic or area of focus that you want to explore through research and that you are able to pose this question in a way that is feasible to answer. Without a clear research question or problem, it is difficult for the admissions committee at RWTH Aachen to understand the student's academic interests and goals.

See also

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