< Study in Germany guide

Post admit checklist for German universities

What are the steps you need to take after receiving an admission from a university in Germany?

January 4, 2024

Did you receive an admit from a university in Germany? Congratulations! While it's a time of high emotions and celebration, there are many steps you need to take before this dream turns into a reality. Here's a checklist to follow after receiving an admit from a German university:

  1. Accept the Offer: Reply to the university promptly, formally accepting the admission offer. Follow the instructions provided by the university for accepting the offer.
  2. Apply for student Visa: Contact the German embassy or consulate in India to inquire about the student visa application process. Gather all the required documents, including your admission letter, financial proof, health insurance, and a valid passport. Apply for a student visa as soon as possible, as the process may take several weeks.
  3. Complete the APS certification: Send an email to the university to fast-track the application of APS certificate. This will be required for your visa application. Do this early to avoid delays.
  4. Open a Blocked Account: You need a blocked account with rough 11000 EUR before applying for the student visa. Study the options for opening a blocked account and if needed, check the options for a student loan for preparing this amount of money upfront.
  5. Look for accommodation: Affordable student accommodations are the first to finish. Check the university's website for housing information and explore online platforms, student residences, or shared apartments. Apply early, as finding suitable accommodation can be challenging, especially in popular cities.
  6. Get a health insurance: Ensure you have health insurance coverage during your stay in Germany. Research the different options available, including public and private insurance plans, and choose the one that best suits your needs. Some universities may require specific health insurance coverage for enrollment.
  7. Start learning German: If you're not already proficient in German, consider taking language courses to improve your language skills. While many Master's programs in Germany are taught in English, having a basic understanding of German will be beneficial for daily life and integration.
  8. Preparing Finances: Arrange your finances accordingly. Set up a bank account in Germany or inquire about international banking services provided by your bank back home. Familiarize yourself with the currency exchange rates, banking procedures, and international transaction fees. Explore scholarships, grants, or part-time job opportunities to help cover your expenses.
  9. Book your travel: Book your tickets to Germany, ensuring that you arrive well before the start of your program. Make necessary arrangements for airport transfers and plan your journey to the city where your university is located. Notify the university of your arrival date and inquire about any orientation programs for international students.
  10. Preparing academically: Familiarize yourself with the curriculum, course requirements, and any recommended preparatory material provided by the university. Contact your program coordinator or academic advisor to clarify any doubts or questions you may have about the program.
  11. Miscellaneous Arrangements: Inform your family and friends about your plans and share your contact information with them. Arrange for any necessary vaccinations or medical check-ups before departure. Keep copies of important documents, such as your admission letter, passport, visa, and educational certificates.

Remember to stay organized, proactive, and open-minded throughout the process. Transitioning to a new country for your Master's can be an exciting and enriching experience. Good luck with your preparations, and enjoy your studies in Germany!

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